A lost and found website that my group developed for ICS 314.
Lost and Found GitHub Meteor React Website
Read More14 Dec 2023
ICS 314 draws to an end As we approach the end of the semester, it is now appropriate to reflect on everything we’ve done and learned in ICS 314, or at the very least, reflect on my key takeaways from...
Teamwork Software Development Web Application Design
29 Nov 2023
What are design patterns??? Give me a second, I’m googling that for myself. So, design patterns are a series of methods that developers use to address standard problems that they will run into in their career. Different software engineers may...
Design Patterns Coding
04 Oct 2023
Webpage design personally hates me I’m not going to lie, it always bothered me when I ran into bad-looking UI on the websites or the video games I played. I always thought to myself “Oh, there’s no way it’s that...
UI Frameworks Bootstrap
05 Sep 2023
Ah, the good ol’ internet Anyone who’s browsed forums on the Internet can tell you their fair share of stories of the times they’ve experienced some of the worst interactions between people online, even in forums where the main purpose...